Multilingual Perspectives on Child Sexual Abuse Material Offenders: Insights from English, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish-Speaking Offenders
New research report, Multilingual Perspectives on Child Sexual Abuse Material Offenders: Insights from English, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish-Speaking Offenders, published as part of the 2KNOW project, an EU-funded initiative led by Protect Children in collaboration with the University of Eastern Finland and the Council of the Baltic Sea States.
This report was written by Tegan Insoll, Eva Díaz Bethencourt, Anna K. Ovaska, and Nina Vaaranen-Valkonen.

This multilingual research expands on the research presented in the recently released 2KNOW Preliminary Findings Report: Knowledge to Prevent Online Sexual Violence Against Children: Insights from a Survey of Child Sexual Abuse Material Offenders.
The language-focused report examines and compares key findings from the Preliminary Findings Report across four languages: English, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish. This report presents data from the ‘Help us to know’ survey of individuals who have searched for CSAM on a dark web search engine, collected in English, Russian, Portuguese and Spanish, and offers unprecedented insights into the backgrounds and motivations of English-speaking, Russian-speaking, Portuguese-speaking and Spanish-speaking CSAM offenders.
Understanding the patterns and motivations of CSAM consumption across different languages is key to developing more effective prevention and intervention strategies. By providing a multilingual analysis, we aim to provide a better understanding of the offenders’ perspectives, that can inform policymakers, the tech industry, and civil society about the most effective ways to prevent and tackle online sexual violence against children.
About the 2KNOW project
The study, which is conducted as a part of the project Knowledge to Prevent (2KNOW) has been produced with the financial support of the European Commission’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) Programme (2022). The project is led by Protect Children, with the Council of the Baltic Sea States and the University of Eastern Finland as partners. Project 2KNOW aims to support and improve national and international data collection on violence against children by developing a sustainable and replicable data collection model that is suited to gathering information about online violence against children.
The 2KNOW project has been produced with the financial support of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) Programme (2022) of the European Union. The contents herein are the sole responsibility of project partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.