Tegan Insoll, LL.M., is the Head of Research at Protect Children.
As Head of Research, Tegan leads Protect Children's research team, coordinates the ReDirection project, and conducts innovative research on online sexual violence against children. Tegan has published a number of peer-reviewed research articles and research reports. She collaborates regularly with international stakeholders and presents at international conferences and webinars.
Tegan has an LL.M. in International Human Rights Law and is specialised in global health law and children’s rights. Tegan is particularly interested in the responsibilities of non-state actors in the realisation of human rights - for example the obligations that tech companies hold in regard to ensuring that all children can thrive in online environments.

Rochester Institute of Technology

New study investigates illegal child sexual abuse material and anonymity on Tor network


Users actively seek and share child sexual abuse material on Tor – but help is available to those willing to stop

The New Voice of Ukraine

Каждый пятый. Исследователи выяснили, сколько сайтов в Tor распространяют материалы о насилии над детьми

The New Voice of Ukraine

Кожен п’ятий. Дослідники з’ясували, скільки сайтів у Tor поширюють матеріали про насильство над дітьми


Users actively seek and share child sexual abuse material on Tor, but help is available to those willing to stop

Internet Watch Foundation

In Conversation With Tegan Insoll, Head of Research at Protect Children, and Dan Sexton, Chief Technology Officer at the IWF


Wer im Darknet nach Missbrauchsbildern suchte, landete bei einer Umfrage. Einblick in die erschütternden Antworten

Turun Sanomat

Tutkimus: Seksuaaliväkivaltakuvien kuluttajista suomalaiset muita suurempi riski lapsille myös netin ulkopuolella
Media appearances
Offender-focused research and prevention
Supporting victims, survivors and families
Children’s safety and emotion skills education