The war in Ukraine continues to affect millions of children and families. It is very important that children have resources to manage their worries, and that we help children feel safe and comfortable expressing their emotions.
Protect Children has developed a number of resources for Ukrainian children and families, including a memory game, an activity booklet, a children’s storybook, and a guide for parents on how to manage children’s worries. These resources can be used at home, in schools, and with groups of children. Download all resources in Ukrainian and other languages for free below.

2022 Suojellaan Lapsia ry., Fun Academy Oy ja Tactic Games Oy
The game is based on the familiar memory game and supports the developement of children’s social-emotional skills such as learning to name feelings and practising emotion regulation skills. The game also helps to discuss and manage feelings evoked by traumatic events such as war.

The Kip Crew Manages Their Worries - Activity Booklet
2022 Suojellaan Lapsia ry. and Fun Academy Oy
This activity booklet is targeted for 4-9 years old children. Children can work on it by themselves or with an adult. The story and the activities give an opportunity for children to think about their own feelings.
The activity booklet is available in Ukrainian and in 14 bilingual versions (e.g. English-Ukrainian, Finnish-Ukrainian).

Big Feelings Come and Go - Children's Book © 2018 Canadian Centre for Child Protection Inc. and New Directions for Children, Youth, Adults & Families
This storybook teaches kids about freeze, flight and fight and helps them learn some basic self-regulation skills.
Understanding freeze, flight and fight can allow for new conversations about how your child feels and what to do to help them manage their big feelings.
The storybook is available in Ukrainian, Russian, English, Finnish, and many more languages.

Notice, Listen & discuss - Guide
2022 Suojellaan Lapsia ry.
Hearing about world events can be scary for children. Even very young children can be affected by what they hear in the news and can sense when adults are worried.
The Notice, Listen & Discuss guide for adults offers tips on how to manage children’s worried thoughts and feelings. The primary goal of the responsible adult is to ensure that the child feels safe. This can be achieved by engaging in open discussions and simply by being present.
The guide is available in Ukrainian, Russian, English, Finnish, and Swedish.

The Kip Crew Learns About Body Boundaries - Activity booklet
2023 Suojellaan Lapsia ry.
Every child has the right to body peace! This activity booklet's story and activities give an opportunity for children to think about body boundaries. It is important for children to learn that we all have different, equally valuable bodies. It is also important for children to know what to do if someone violates their body boundaries.