Nina Vaaranen-Valkonen, Executive Director and Psychotherapist and Katariina Leivo, Senior Specialist and TF-CBT- therapist at Protect Children joined Jeremy Indika in his podcast discussing the vital role of You are Enough™ peer support groups for parents and caregivers whose children have fallen victims to sexual violence.

The conversation covered essential topics such as how to support your child as a mother, father, and family, and how to care for yourself when it feels like your world is falling apart. Nina Vaaranen-Valkonen and Katariina Leivo also explored the overwhelming emotions parents face when reading police reports, witnessing their child's trauma, and struggling with feelings of helplessness.
A key takeaway from the discussion was the importance of increasing a sense of safety for the child, engaging in open discussions about difficult topics, providing consistent support during moments of struggle, maintaining a sense of normalcy in the child’s life, and being open to seeking professional help when needed. While professional interventions can be vital, research shows that the most powerful factor in preventing revictimisation is the perceived parental care (Scoglio et.al., Systematic Review of Risk and Protective Factors for Revictimization After Child Sexual Abuse, 2021).
The podcast is available here: