Online Road Safety Project: Final Report 2020-2022
The Online Road Safety Final Report outlines the main events, milestones and learning moments Protect Children encountered during the funded Online Road Safety project.
Protect Children’s Online Road Safety campaign and materials are aimed at children, families and educators, to help children stay safe online, focusing especially on Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Norway
The project lasted for 18 months enabling a significant number of children to improve their digital safety skills, to prevent online child sexual abuse and exploitation. It also increased parents’ and professionals’ confidence in educating children on digital safety skills.
Download the Online Road Safety Project Final Report 2020-2022
What next?
While the funded project comes to an end, Protect Children’s work to strengthen children’s digital safety skills certainly does not. The great success of the Online Road Safety project has been well noted as Protect Children received new funding from the Finnish Ministry of Justice and National Board of Education to continue developing digital safety skills resources and train professionals and children alike.
Protect Children continues to share the knowledge and experience they have gained while working in the field of protecting children from all forms of sexual abuse. Stay up to date on our work to strengthen children's digital safety skills here.