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  • Protect Children

Collecting Data on Hidden Crimes: A Case Study on Surveying Online Child Sexual Abuse Offenders


2KNOW: Collecting Data on Hidden Online Crimes. A Case Study on Surveying Online Child Sexual Abuse Offenders.

This new report, released as part of Project 2KNOW, provides a comprehensive overview of the project's research methodology and the importance of collecting data on hidden online crimes.

The report also outlines how this data can be translated into actionable knowledge that can support prevention efforts, policy, industry, resources for victims and families, and law enforcement activities.

This report is written by Tegan Insoll, Anna Ovaska, Hanna Lahtinen, Kirsi Honkalampi, and Nina Vaaranen-Valkonen.

Executive Summary

Children today face unprecedented risks of sexual abuse and exploitation online. The anonymity of the internet has fuelled a rise in hidden crimes such as the production and distribution of child sexual abuse material (CSAM), which are often undetected and unreported. Project 2KNOW was launched to address the urgent need for data on these crimes and to develop effective strategies for prevention and protection.

A core component of Project 2KNOW involves gathering anonymous survey data from individuals who search for CSAM on the dark web. This unique approach is generating critical insights into the patterns, motivations, and behaviours associated with these offenses. By leveraging this data, the project aims to improve national and international responses to online sexual violence against children. Additionally, the project emphasises the importance of a holistic approach to research, also collecting data from parents of child victims to build a more complete understanding of the issue.

This report outlines the importance of innovative data collection on hidden online crimes, the project's research approach, considerations for data collection, and insights on transforming research into tangible outcomes.

Through innovative research methods and international collaboration, Project 2KNOW aims to establish a sustainable framework for protecting children from online sexual violence.


Project 2KNOW's Research Reports

Learn more about Project 2KNOW's research on online sexual violence against children by reading all research reports published as part of the project:


About Project 2KNOW

This report, which is conducted as a part of the project Knowledge to Prevent (2KNOW) has been produced with the financial support of the European Commission’s Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) Programme (2022). The project is led by Protect Children, with the Council of the Baltic Sea States and the University of Eastern Finland as partners. Project 2KNOW aims to support and improve national and international data collection on violence against children by developing a sustainable and replicable data collection model that is suited to gathering information about online violence against children. 

Project 2KNOW has been produced with the financial support of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) Programme (2022) of the European Union. The contents herein are the sole responsibility of project partnership and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.  


We would like to extend our immense gratitude and thank you to all our colleagues who have supported us translating the ‘Help us to know’ survey into multiple languages. Thank you to Webropol for supporting our work by hosting our research surveys.

Cover design by Néstor Feijoo Melián


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