#MyFriendToo | Suojellaan Lapsia
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Someone is harassing, threatening, pressuring or extorting my friend. What can I do?
Terms explained (pdf)
Someone has my friend's nude and my friend is worried it might be shared. What can I do?
My friend’s nude was shared online. What can I do?
Why is it important to tell an adult?
How to tell an adult about what happened?
Message template
My friend does not want to tell an adult. How can I help them?
What actions committed online constitute a crime?
Rights of the child/youth
It is a big deal
Advice for adults

Encourage your friend to tell an adult about what happened!


Sexual violence is never the victim's fault. Only the perpetrator deserves to feel guilt and shame.


Not telling adults never helps the situation. It only helps the perpetrator hide their actions.



Sharing a nude picture of another minor is a crime. It can feel shameful to be the victim of this kind of crime, but remember that only the perpetrator (for example the person who spread someone else's nude) deserves to feel shame and guilt.


Although talking about sexual violence may feel challenging, it doesn't help to keep it secret from safe adults - this can often make the situation worse.

If you suspect that your friend or anyone else is in immediate danger of becoming a victim of sexual violence, call the emergency number 112.


Did you know?

  • Sexual violence is an abuse of power and control.

  • All genders can be victims of sexual violence.

  • The perpetrator of sexual violence is not always an unpleasant older person. They can be a familiar and seemingly nice individual. The perpetrator can be young, good-looking and nice.

  • Sexual violence can also occur in a dating relationship.

  • Victims of sexual violence often feel shame and guilt, which keeps them from telling anyone about what happened. Not telling safe adults never helps the situation. It only helps the perpetrator hide their actions.

  • Sexual violence is never the victim's fault. Even if a young person sent nudes of themselves, the responsibility always lies on the perpetrator of sexual violence – for example the person who shared the image.




Downloadable communication materials

Downloadable materials

"My friend told me and I encouraged them to tell an adult. Although it is important to rely on friends, no one can carry a heavy burden or act as a friend's therapist."

A young person, to whom a friend has told about sexual violence



Empowering young people to help their friends disclose sexual violence to a safe adult.

Thank you for visiting our page!

It shows that you care about your friend and want to support them! Worrying about a friend and keeping worrisome secrets can be really difficult. On this page, you can find information and tips on how to help and support your friend who has experienced sexual harassment, grooming or sexual violence (when talking about these on the website, we use the term sexual violence). Having relevant information helps you act in challenging situations.

Ungdomslokal.fi is an online youth space located on Discord for Swedish-speaking Finns aged 13-20.

In Ungdomslokal.fi, young people can play, chat, or simply spend time with youth workers and other young people. You can join via the link found on the website www.ungdomslokal.fi. (Note: The service is available only in Swedish).

For teachers

Enhancing digital safety skills #MyFriendToo lesson plan

The #MyFriendToo lesson is a ready-made lesson package developed by Protect Children, aimed at children and young people aged 12-14. The lesson plan gives teachers clear instructions on how to offer age-appropriate information and discuss the challenging topics of digital life with adolescents.

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